Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Purification

From the ever insightful Pelianito Journal.  May this good word encourage us.  As events in the world grow ever more difficult, let us take hope in the Lord and what he is doing in His Church.  A great day of renewal draws ever closer.

If it appears that wickedness grows bolder by the day, is this not so that the Hunter might flush out the prey and slay them in plain sight?

Ecclesiastes 3:16-17 Moreover, I saw under the sun that in the place of justice, wickedness was there, and in the place of righteousness, wickedness was there as well. I said in my heart, God will judge the righteous and the wicked, for he has appointed a time for every matter, and for every work.
“My child, if you now see more wickedness, if it appears that wickedness grows bolder by the day, is this not so that the Hunter might flush out the prey and slay them in plain sight? Your God is not silent in the face of evil. He is patient, allowing time for repentance, but also allowing those whose wickedness makes them arrogant, to come out of the shadows. Let the wicked come out like the pus in a boil; let not the festering continue and spread. When wickedness is exposed to light it loses its power. When Truth shines on it, it flees as from a flame. Children I am purifying my Bride. She is being scoured inside and out. The process is painful, but you, my children must rejoice! For I mean to restore my Bride to a glory never before seen. Watch and pray!”
Oh my Beloved! What joy to anticipate a glorious Church, a spotless Bride! In the Divine Will, I place my I love you and I thank you in all you are doing to accomplish this. Flush out the wickedness! Lance the boil! Shine your light of Truth over the whole world. Jesus I love you—take care of everything! Amen.

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